A groundbreaking research initiative recognizing banks and insurance companies leading the charge in AI applications

What is Most Impactful?

Most Impactful is a proprietary research initiative measuring business effectiveness of firms in the financial services ecosystem.Our initial series of reports will focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in banking, capital markets and insurance. Taking a 360 degree view from customers, vendors, and the banks and insurance leaders themselves, we have identified those leading the charge implementing AI - and detail which areas of the business yield the greatest Return on AI Investment (ROAI).Our comprehensive approach will showcase and honor industry players and provide them with a standard to measure themselves against their peers.Check out the full press release here.


  • Banking - late September

  • Insurance - late October

  • Capital Markets - early November

Contact Jules Leyland at [email protected] to learn more.

Who we are

Most Impactful is brought to you by The Financial Revolutionist, a leading media company specializing in providing decisive insights, data and analysis to financial institutions and fintechs.
Our leadership team brings decades of experience building leading media and research brands.
Most Impactful’s research efforts are led by Dan Latimore, Chief Research Officer.Most recently Dan was Chief Research Officer at Celent, a leading research firm focused on technology for financial services.
He previously led research groups at Deloitte and IBM, worked at Liberty Mutual and Merrill Lynch, and was a consultant at McKinsey & Co.
His focus throughout is on innovation in financial services and fintech, with a keen interest in consumer behavior and technology-enabled strategy.

FAQ’s:Do I need to submit my company?

Banks and insurance companies do not need to take any action to participate – we have independently identified, and qualified, those included.

Is there a fee to be included in the research?

No. We don’t believe in pay-for-play.

What do I do if we are honored as a Most Impactful company?

Being recognized is a mark of credibility that financial services companies can use to demonstrate effectiveness to internal, and external, stakeholders.

  • License the Most Impactful logo for credibility and visibility purposes to assist with marketing and recruitment efforts, and more.

  • Download the in-depth research report providing invaluable insight to see how you measure against your peers, or identify those organizations leading the way to shape your AI strategy.

How can I get involved?

  • Associate your brand with banking and insurance and AI

We are partnering with a limited number of non-competitive
companies for this unique research initiative.
If you sell AI products or services, or sell to banks or insurance companies, this is an exciting opportunity to align your brand with.

  • Independent research

Wondering how to benchmark your company? Require independent research for your organization?Contact [email protected] to learn more.